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FS2004 767 unofficial checkride in pdf format
Games > PC
29.39 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Jan 5, 2007


just got this off usenet, looks interesting

danke herr doktor for the upload guide

REQ : someone to seed the first part of the virgin 747-400 cocpit video !


gr8, seed it pls...

and yes, Seed the 1st part of VIR 747
and if there is a full DVD..

if you have more of this please post it
Tnx!!! I love those ebooks.
thx 4x-axg

didn't see your name at first to give you credit :-)
Try a search of the word "FLIGHT" after ticking the "other" box in pirate search

there seem to be several flight manuals etc that don't have the FS2004 prefix.
good FAA manuals here too - and free,


kinda feels like flying over enemy territory

mmm. the link doesn't work..:(
But thanks for the checkride ebook!!

REQUEST: XP-Simulation Montpellier 2005

Dr. Frikadel
Great upload , thanks!

request: FSB - Key west hxxp://
haha no problem
Herr Doktor

try changing the "$" for an "s" in the link

just my little joke . . .
REQ: Travel Air 6000....

req:Uk2000 Standstad.
I can't tell y'all how grateful I am that you guys upload all this stuff... I've been doing what I can to seed the stuff I download... but on Dial-Up it kinda sucks...

Any chance someone could re-seed the King Air by AirWorx?

Thanks Guys...
Thanks for this.
Req: Traffic PlusPaks from Just Flight.
A BIG Thanks!
For the people, its not specially for the Level-D 767! I have tried the torrent and IMO, i thought it was more for the 757 then the 767.. =)
Just Uploaded Airliner Pilot Full ISO Tested Working
Great up buddy!
REQ: 737 unofficial checkride

Hi, namestain,
Do you know if in the usenet where you got this file there is too the checkride for the 737 and 747?
If by chance you get these files, I would really appreciate your effort to up for the whole community.